private function _parsePut( ) { global $_PUT; /* PUT data comes in on the stdin stream */ $putdata = fopen("php://input", "r"); /* Open a file for writing */ // $fp = fopen("myputfile.ext", "w"); $raw_data = ''; /* Read the data 1 KB at a time and write to the file */ while ($chunk = fread($putdata, 1024)) $raw_data .= $chunk; /* Close the streams */ fclose($putdata); // Fetch content and determine boundary $boundary = substr($raw_data, 0, strpos($raw_data, "\r\n")); if(empty($boundary)){ parse_str($raw_data,$data); $GLOBALS[ '_PUT' ] = $data; return; } // Fetch each part $parts = array_slice(explode($boundary, $raw_data), 1); $data = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { // If this is the last part, break if ($part == "--\r\n") break; // Separate content from headers $part = ltrim($part, "\r\n"); list($raw_headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2); // Parse the headers list $raw_headers = explode("\r\n", $raw_headers); $headers = array(); foreach ($raw_headers as $header) { list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header); $headers[strtolower($name)] = ltrim($value, ' '); } // Parse the Content-Disposition to get the field name, etc. if (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) { $filename = null; $tmp_name = null; preg_match( '/^(.+); *name="([^"]+)"(; *filename="([^"]+)")?/', $headers['content-disposition'], $matches ); list(, $type, $name) = $matches; //Parse File if( isset($matches[4]) ) { //if labeled the same as previous, skip if( isset( $_FILES[ $matches[ 2 ] ] ) ) { continue; } //get filename $filename = $matches[4]; //get tmp name $filename_parts = pathinfo( $filename ); $tmp_name = tempnam( ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), $filename_parts['filename']); //populate $_FILES with information, size may be off in multibyte situation $_FILES[ $matches[ 2 ] ] = array( 'error'=>0, 'name'=>$filename, 'tmp_name'=>$tmp_name, 'size'=>strlen( $body ), 'type'=>$value ); //place in temporary directory file_put_contents($tmp_name, $body); } //Parse Field else { $data[$name] = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2); } } } $GLOBALS[ '_PUT' ] = $data; return; }
// Fetch content and determine boundary $raw_data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $boundary = substr($raw_data, 0, strpos($raw_data, "\r\n")); // Fetch each part $parts = array_slice(explode($boundary, $raw_data), 1); $data = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { // If this is the last part, break if ($part == "--\r\n") break; // Separate content from headers $part = ltrim($part, "\r\n"); list($raw_headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2); // Parse the headers list $raw_headers = explode("\r\n", $raw_headers); $headers = array(); foreach ($raw_headers as $header) { list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header); $headers[strtolower($name)] = ltrim($value, ' '); } // Parse the Content-Disposition to get the field name, etc. if (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) { $filename = null; preg_match( '/^(.+); *name="([^"]+)"(; *filename="([^"]+)")?/', $headers['content-disposition'], $matches ); list(, $type, $name) = $matches; isset($matches[4]) and $filename = $matches[4]; // handle your fields here switch ($name) { // this is a file upload case 'userfile': file_put_contents($filename, $body); break; // default for all other files is to populate $data default: $data[$name] = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2); break; } } }